can make you sad, angry or guilty.
Nobody can make you happy or in love.
Nobody can make you feel alone in this world.
It is a deep feeling and it is alrealdy in you.
Thank you Anibadh for caring!
Your inner child needs you!
Inside of you your inner child is speaking.
Inside of you your inner child is innocent.
It is safe again to let him or her out!
Take care of your inner child because,
no one else than you has the ability to do it.
Selflove is essential for the growth of humanity.
Beautiful satsang...listen to Satsang with Rahasya!
Living in Love and Freedom.
Trust you body. Trust your body.
Your body knows. Your body is your temple.
Your body is a miracle.
Your body knows everything.
You do not need a second opinion.
Celebrate your body. Dance!
you are not your thoughts.
you are not your feelings.
and you are not the doer.
It is not important what the secret is.
The importance is that you keep it a secret.
Just remember today that Valentine was killed
because he loved.
Men and women have been killed because they spoke out Truth.
The whole world can be against you, but you can only
stay in the center of your being and watch.
And the world keeps living in lies...
Just because you see and they do not.
What is the color of joy?
What is the smell of joy?
What is the taste of joy?
What is the sight of joy?
What is the activity of joy?
All she wanted for 2010, was JOY.
Yesterday there was so much dancing in the air.
Dancing for Haiti. Everything was welcomed.
Softness, passion, anger, power, sadness,
separation and union....