is the Egyptian young woman in a blue bra
who was agressed by some military men in Kairo
Where is she now?
What did they do to her?
This is a crime, a huge crime
towards Arabia and the feminine!
a real courageous and beautiful soul
who is making the world a better place!
"there exists in this religion a tradition
of absolute tolerance and philosophy in which
unselfish love, dance and music are celebrated
as a way to worship God.
Scientists have identified the source of this
world of thought not only in Islam, but also
in neo-platonic, shamanistic, Christian, Buddhist,
pantheistic and Zoroastrian ideas."
From Rumi-Poetry of Islam
Bigger, more receptive, more here, the moon is burning.
The moon is closer to earth with a message:
A message to Arabia and the world:
Open yourSELF to love, feel it right now right here!
Time has come for the female.
Time has finally come for the female energy!
And the whole universe supports this order of Love.